Time is expressed in UTC +01:00 | ||
Day 1 (15/03/2021) | ||
15:00-18:30 | Practical session USERS: Running test cases with graphical interface DesignSPHysics (new version) | |
Day 2 (16/03/2021) | ||
09:00-09:20 | Welcoming [PDF] | Altomare, Corrado |
09:20-10:00 | Keynote lecture: Modeling viscous forces in SPH [PDF] | Prof. Souto Iglesias, Antonio |
10:00-10:20 | Overview of version 5.0 [PDF] | Rogers, Benedict |
10:20-10:40 | Break | |
10:40-11:20 | Current developments | |
New density diffusion term [PDF] | Vacondio, Renato | |
News on pre-processing tool and boundary conditions [PDF] | Domínguez, José | |
11:20-11:40 | Break | |
11:40-12:55 | Session 1: Delegate Presentations (Moderated by: José Dominguez) | |
Numerical Investigation of Eco-Hydraulics Flow: A Case Study of a Nature-Like Fish Pass | Novak, Gorazd | |
An efficient coupling method for wave generation of maximum wave in mild and shallow foreshore | Suzuki, Tomohiro | |
Modelling of point-absorber wave energy converters with power take-off unit using DualSPHysics | Tagliafierro, Bonaventura | |
Modelling of a Wave Energy Converter based on the Roll Oscillations of Offshore Floating Platforms with DualSPHysics | Clemente, Daniel | |
Using SPH modelling to complement flume study in the development of a novel turbine design | Hanousek, Nicolas | |
12:55-14:15 | Break for lunch | |
14:15-15:15 | Current developments | |
New rheology models, non-Newtonian formulations and multiphase flows [PDF] | Fourtakas, Georgios | |
Open boundaries: inlet and outlet conditions [PDF] | Tafuni, Angelo | |
Coupling with MoorDyn library and with Project Chrono [PDF] | Crespo, Alejandro Martínez-Estévez, Iván |
15:15-15:30 | Break | |
15:30-16:30 | Session 2: Delegate Presentations (Moderated by: Georgios Fourtakas) | |
Co-rotating rigid beam with elastic hinges for elastic FSI simulations in DualSPHysics with the use of the Project Chrono library | Capasso, Salvatore | |
Numerical simulation of fluid-elastic structure interaction using SPH: an extended coupling of DualSPHysics with an FEA structural solver | El Rahi, Joe | |
Comparison of overtopping physical model in vertical breakwater with DualSPHysics model | Fernandez de Bobadilla, Ignacio | |
FSI problems with DualSPHysics: analysis of the Modified Dynamic Boundary Conditions | González-Cao, Jose | |
Day 3 (17/03/2021) | ||
09:30-10:45 | Session 3: Delegate Presentations (Moderated by: Angelo Tafuni) | |
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulations of surf zone processes driven by irregular waves over a fringing reef | Lowe, Ryan | |
Simulation of the Behavior of Tetrapods against Solitary Wave Using DualSPHysics | Mitsui, Jun | |
Simulations of directionally spread and crossing breaking waves in intermediate water depth using DualSPHysics | Kanehira, Taiga | |
Improvement of Boundary Condition for Sloshing Simulation in Spherical Tank | Ma, Chong | |
Numerical Simulation of Scattering Process of Armour Blocks on Additional Rubble Mound behind Breakwater during Tsunami Overflow Using DualSPHysics | Yamamoto, Takashi | |
10:45-11:15 | Break | |
11:15-12:30 | Session 4: Delegate Presentations (Moderated by: Renato Vacondio) | |
Capturing Interfacial Instabilities with DualSPHysics | Reece, Georgina | |
Developing DualSPHysics to solve depth-integrated flow for tsunami modelling | Aslami, Hazif | |
Developing Multi-resolution multi-phase SPH in DualSPHysics | Baines, Annelie | |
Non-linear dynamics of constrained wave energy hyperbaric converter | Bernardo, Francisco | |
Harvesting energy from drainpipes: a numerical investigation using DualSPHysics | Viccione, Giacomo | |
12:30-14:00 | Break for lunch | |
14:00-15:15 | Session 5: Delegate Presentations (Moderated by: Alejandro Crespo) | |
Extending DualSPHysics for high-order ALE Riemann-based SPH schemes | Antona, Ruben | |
3D Simulations of a fish pass with M-DBC and Inlet/Outlet Boundary conditions | English, Aaron | |
Modelling of an Oscillating Water Column in DualSPHysics | Quartier, Nicolas | |
CFD in Sanitary Engineering | Kumar, Prashant | |
Flow measurement by inclination of anti-return gate in sewer | Pouzol, Tanguy | |
15:15-15:30 | Break | |
15:30-16:30 | Session 6: Delegate Presentations (Moderated by: Benedict Rogers) | |
Assessment of different LES models for SPH simulations | Ricci, Francesco | |
Numerical study of the influence of electrical force in multiphase systems using SPH | Nuñez-Rodriguez, Brucxen | |
Detecting Impacts in a Simulation of a High Energy Finishing Process | Pereira, Kevin | |
Numerical simulation of hydrodynamics in Stirred-Tank Bioreactor with Proximity Impellers using DualSPHysics | Martinez Herrera, Gerardo | |
16:30-17:30 | Final discussion and closure |