Instructions for Authors

Abstract Format and Abstract Submission

For those Delegates whose abstract was already accepted during the first submission call and still intend to participate to the workshop in 2021, the abstract acceptance and consequent presentation at the workshop are confirmed!

Abstracts should be 1 page long and must include one illustrative figure outlining the quality of the results. Moreover, abstracts are expected to address the four major review criteria mentioned below. A comparison to reference solutions will be appreciated. An exemplary abstract can be found here.

A pdf-version of the abstract should be submitted by (new deadline to be defined) via email to

Review Process

The quality of the abstracts will be assessed using averaged ratings for 4 equally important categories: i.e. (1) Novelty, (2) Code Improvements, (3) Current Limitations, and (4) Validations & predictive improvements over the state-of-the-art.

The abstract will be reviewed by the Workshop Committee. Notification of acceptance for presentation will be given by 28th February 2021 via email.