We are pleased to announce the 6th DualSPHysics Workshop, taking place at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC), on 25th-27th October 2022.

The DualSPHysics Workshop brings together a growing community of users and developers of this open-source SPH code.

The aims are:

  • to provide an opportunity for the DualSPHysics teams to present latest advances and plans for future development;
  • to enable users to discuss performance of the latest versions and features, suggest new areas for development and improvement;
  • to provide an opportunity for the end-users to discuss with core developers;
  • to give a hands-on practical session to help users;
  • to enable users to present their own work using DualSPHysics, to share experiences and provide feedback on best practices.

This event is sponsored by: