SPHysics is a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics numerical model developed to study free-surface flows. It is the product of a collaborative effort amongst researchers at the Johns Hopkins University (US), the University of Vigo (Spain) and the University of Manchester (UK).
The first version of SPHysics was released on August 2007 and is available to free download and for public use at www.sphysics.org. SPHysics is used to simulate free-surface flows problems such as dam breaks, landslides, sloshing in tanks and wave impacts on structures. The model, written in FORTRAN90, has been put into modular form and a variety of features are available to choose different compiling options. One of the purposes of this code is encourage other researchers to try SPH more easily and to contribute to the SPHysics project. A complete description of the software is found in the SPHysics users guide : SPHysics_v2.0.000_GUIDE.pdf.
The open-source code SPHysics allows modelling problems using fine description, but the main problem is the high computational runtime, so that SPHysics is hardly applied over large domains. Hardware acceleration and parallel computing are required to make SPHysics more useful and versatile.